Sunday, 19 May 2013


Parts that went well:

·       Setting up a schedule.
·       Modelling skills in 3Ds Max. the experience gain from past project allowed my to create effective mesh for my character that is in the triangle count.
·       Unwrapping skills in 3Ds Max. I have become confident in unwrapping my models which makes the task of unwrapping my models take up less time than in previous projects.
·       Following the tutorials provided on blackboard allowed me to create a realistic looking model in short period of time (expect the head).

Parts that didn’t go so well:

·       Modelling the head. Modelling the head proved to be one the hardest parts of the project. I found it really hard to create a head which looked realistic. I believe that I spent way too much time on modelling and re modelling the head of my character and lost precious time which should have spent texturing.
·       Texturing the model, texture was very rushed as I was behind on my time schedule due to spending too much time on my head. Furthermore I need to become more experienced at painting my textures and not relying on photo textures for my models.
·       Time management. Due to my lack of ability at time management I believe I really ruined the end result of this project. In future projects I need to stick to my schedule and not concentrate on one part of a model.

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